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How Does Whey Protein Powder Build Muscle?

whey protein powder build muscle

Adding whey protein powder to your diet is a fantastic way to help you meet your daily protein intake and recover your muscles after a workout. Let's explore the intricate world of whey protein powder together and how it can help you meet your nutrition and fitness goals.

What IS Whey Protein?

There are many forms of protein available in the world today. Whey protein is what we would consider a complete protein, meaning whey contains all nine essential amino acids. Amino acids are integral to the health and behavior of our body and its functions. Amino acids are important for everything from contacting new immune cells to aiding in muscle recovery and providing energy to the body.

Whey protein is one of two primary protein sources found in milk. Milk possesses roughly 80% casein and 20% whey. Whey is primarily sourced from the liquid iteration of milk, present when we open the top of a yogurt container or when milk begins to coagulate. After the whey protein is separated from its original source, companies will process the material into the many mediums that we know today, including the ever-present whey protein powder.

These days, there is a wide range of different protein powders to choose from. When deciding which protein powder is best for you, consider using a non-GMO protein powder without any additives. Made with only four ingredients, Simply Tera's Organic Bourbon Vanilla Whey Protein is a delicious and natural option. For those that prefer a flavorless protein powder, Simply Tera’s Simply Pure Plain Whey Protein is a versatile option that can be added to smoothies and baked goods for a quick protein boost.

While whey protein can be used as a catch-all term, there are actually unique differences between the three core types of whey protein. Let's take a closer look at whey protein below.

Different Types of Whey Protein

  • Whey Isolate — Consisting of roughly 90% protein, whey isolate lacks much in the way of nutrition when compared to whey protein concentrate and hydrolysate. Isolate does have less fat and lactose, however.
  • Whey Concentrate — For active individuals or anybody looking for a way to increase their protein intake, consider adding whey concentrate to your meals or snacks. Whey Concentrate features 70% protein while consisting of lactose and fat for added flavor benefits.
  • Whey Hydrolysate — Hydrolyzed whey is a faster-digesting source of whey protein that spikes insulin levels higher than traditional isolate.

Now that we understand the different sources of whey protein, let's look at what it can do for our bodies.

Promoting Muscle Recovery with Whey Protein

Whey protein powder is a versatile supplement that can be used by anyone, whether you are looking to enhance your diet, lose weight, or promote muscle growth. As an ultra-affordable protein source, whey protein powder can directly boost our experiences with muscle recovery after a workout.

While we know that whey protein powder can help with muscle growth, we need to understand how it accomplishes the task.

  • Power Body With a Complete Protein Source — As a complete protein source, whey protein offers our body access not just to integral protein sources, but also to the amino acids that we need to help support the building blocks of our body. Amino acids are essential for repairing and growing new muscle fibers following a fitness routine.
  • Stimulate Muscle Building Hormones — Properly consuming whey protein can also lead to the release of key anabolic hormones that are relied upon to stimulate insulin boosts as well as muscle growth.
  • Leucine & Protein Synthesis — One of the most important amino acids in our body, leucine helps to stimulate not just protein synthesis for muscle growth, but it does so at the genetic and molecular level.

Not only does whey protein directly further our muscle's growth, but the supplement is ideal for promoting weight loss. Whey protein acts as a satiating macronutrient to make us feel full, cutting cravings and reducing snacking as a result.

Before or After a Workout

Talk to a dozen fitness enthusiasts, and you'll likely get a dozen different answers when asked about protein shake timing. As a necessary supplement for muscle growth and repair, timing is of the utmost importance. Some people take their shake before a workout while some take it after. Which is best for you?

As it turns out, it is fine to take a protein shake both before or after your workout. Studies have shown no significant differences between muscle size or strength in controlled groups that compared before/after protein shake intake. While some fitness enthusiasts believe in the anabolic window (30 minutes following a workout), studies are inconclusive at this point.

Properly Timing Your Whey Protein

When it comes time to select your whey protein dose, consider your weight, height, and fitness goals. Most studies show that we should consume roughly 1.2g of protein per kilogram of weight. Ideally, spread this protein requirement across at least three meals.

Key Takeaway: Consume a whey protein shake when the time is right for you. Make sure to consider height/weight/nutrition when adding supplements to your diet. Always converse with your physician before making dramatic adjustments.

Shop Simply Tera's Whey Protein Powder

According to a report published by GlobeNewswire, the global dietary supplement market is projected to reach north of $230.70 billion by the year 2027. As the world increasingly turns to fitness and dietary supplements to balance its health and wellness, products like whey protein powder are only going to grow in popularity.

Simply Tera's is proud to offer pure nutrition through earth-friendly and simple ingredient whey protein powders to help you feel energized, healthy, and ready to tackle the day. Shop Simply Tera’s natural and nutritious whey protein powder now.

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