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the scoop on lactose free

  • what is lactose? lactose is a sugar naturally found in dairy products 
  • what is lactose intolerance? our bodies produce the lactase enzyme to help digest lactose and if your body doesn’t produce enough, you may be lactose intolerant. 
  • how do I know if I may be lactose intolerant? if you experience symptoms like gas, bloating or diarrhea, you may be lactose intolerant. (consult your doctor for more information) 
  • what is lactose free whey?simply tera’s organic lactose free whey starts as wholesome, grass-fed, pasture raised organic milk. we simply add the lactase enzyme to the milk to remove the lactose and then test it to make sure it’s just right. so you can enjoy all the delicious nutrition of whey! 

 simply tera's lactose free whey protiein