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What is rBGH and Why Should You Avoid It?

For more than two decades, recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) has been utilized throughout the dairy industry as a staple in the products American consumers know and love. Without proper labeling, consumers are typically unaware of the rBGH in their food. Despite approval by the FDA in 1993, consumer appeals have been made regarding the safety of the hormone.

In today's conversation, we are going to explore the history behind rBGH, what it does to our bodies, and how we can consume high-quality protein without any rBGH.

Understanding Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormones (rBGH)

Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone is a man-made, referred to as synthetic, hormone marketed to farmers to help stroke increased milk production in their cows. Recombinant bovine growth hormone differs chemically by a single amino acid from the cow's natural somatotropin. Approved originally by the FDA in 1993, rBGH has a controversial history that extends to its ban in the E.U, Canada, and other countries around the world.

Scientists have been researching increased milk production in cows for more than 60 years. During this time, cows were injected with growth hormones that had been sourced from the pituitary glands of other cattle. In the '80s, this process would evolve thanks to the development of recombinant DNA, giving scientists the ability to create massive quantities of BGH. By 1993, FDA approval of rBGH was complete and synthetic hormones were introduced to conventional dairy production throughout North America.

Sometimes referred to as Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin (rBST), these hormones are crafted using genetic technology. These synthetic hormones help to increase a hormone known as insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) which leads to increased dairy production, helping farmers to get more out of their cattle.

Risk Associated With Human Consumption

As there are those both for and against rBGH, a more nuanced look at the risks associated with human consumption of rBGH is necessary. Let's take a closer look at a few of the most concerning risks associated with human consumption.

  1. Elevated Levels of IGF-1 - Recombinant bovine growth hormone found in cows has been associated with spiking levels of insulin-like growth factor-1, otherwise known as IFG-1. Cows that have been treated with rBGH show increased levels of IGF-1 and with its survivability through digestion, this means that IGF-1 could end up in the human bloodstream. Elevated levels of IGF-1 have been associated with breast, colon, and prostate cancer.
  2. Potential Risk of Thyroid Issues - A study performed by the Vermont Public Interest Research Group noted that there could be adverse health effects in humans who have been exposed to rBGH for extended periods of time. A 90-day study by Health Canada on rats would reveal an increased risk of prostate issues and thyroid cysts. This has been challenged by the FDA who claim that the study has been misread.
  3. Lack of Proper Labeling - Savvy consumers will notice that RBGH-free labels on their favorite foods, but that won't be the norm. In today's marketplace, FDA requirements do not include labels for rBGH-modified foods. For that reason, simply tera's whey protein powder has become a hit thanks to its rBGH-free labeling.

No matter where you stand on rBGH in your food, it is important to become aware of the food that you are consuming. For health-minded individuals looking to supplement their protein intake with a healthy, rBGH-free alternative, keep on reading!

Whey Protein Without rBGH

Even though rBGH is still approved for use throughout the United States of America, demand for its use has decreased over the past couple of years. As grocery stores move away from milk treated with rBGH, consumers are increasingly looking for alternatives to fulfill their protein intake needs.

Simply tera's organic whey protein is made with USDA certified organic whey from Organic Valley, a co-op of small family organic and Organic Fair Trade Certified product developed with simplicity in mind. Certified USDA organic, this whey protein is sourced from small family farms in the heartland of America. Pasture-raised cows are fed non-GMO grass and organic forage to ensure that they are ethically raised and free from rBST and rBGH.

One Scoop of simply tera's Organic Dark Chocolate Whey Protein

  • 20 Grams of Whey Protein
  • 9 Essential Amino Acids
  • 5.45 Grams of BCAAs
  • Blended With Fair Trade Certified Dark Chocolate
  • Lightly Sweetened

Blend with your favorite water or milk mixture to include an energizing, nutritional blend of amino acids, protein, and BCAAs. Kosher and free from rBGH, simply tera's Whey Protein makes it easy to consume the proper nutrition we need, when we need it most.

Eat Better With simply tera's Whey Protein

Tera's products are designed with health, wellness, and optimum nutrition in mind. Combining great nutrition with simple ingredients and unbeatable prices, customers at simply tera's will find their way to products featuring just 5 ingredients or fewer.

More than a source of health-minded nutritional products, simply tera’s Wisconsin-based dairy farms are where great products grow from the ground up in an Earth-friendly, customer-focused environment. Sustainable sourcing drives the conversation at simply tera’s and better products are the norm.

Start shopping today to enjoy any of the wonderful whey protein powders developed by the team at simply tera's.

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