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Q: what are the differences between the product lines

 certified organic
 made with Organic Valley whey
 non-GMO certified
 rBGH/rBST free
 sourced from family-owned farms


Q: what does organic mean?

A: organic products, by definition, contain no artificial growth hormones (rBGH/rBST) and follow a regimented set of organic farming guidelines overseen by certifying agencies like Quality Assurance International (QAI), our certifying agency. simply tera’s excellent quality organic whey protein is sourced from Organic Valley, where cows are pasture-raised on certified organic family farms and produce milk without the use of rBGH/rBST or other synthetic hormones, no GMO feed, no antibiotics, and no pesticides.

Q. why choose grass-fed, pasture-raised organic dairy?

A: simply tera's organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised dairy comes from Organic Valley’s cooperative of family farms, where cows are ethically raised outside on lush pasture, to graze freely on nutritious grasses in the fresh air and sunshine, the way nature intended, for as long as the grazing season permits. the cows’ diet is composed of mostly fresh grass, dried hay, and a ration of grain to supplement their nutrition. USDA-certified organic means the cows are raised without the use of rBGH/rBST or other synthetic hormones, no GMOs, no antibiotics, and no synthetic pesticides or herbicides. organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised dairy is the gold standard in clean label protein.

Q: what is the environmental impact of organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised dairy?

A: grass-fed, pasture-raised dairy from organic cows isn’t only better for the animals, it is also better for people and the environment. the perennial grass growing in pasture helps sequester carbon, prevent erosion, and improve biodiversity. bees, bats, and birds all call organic pasture home, and Organic Valley farms, where we get our simply tera’s organic whey, have also kept over 440 million pounds of pesticides out of the waterways and the environment.

Q: is the organic whey protein free of artificial hormones (rBGH/rBST)?

A: yes, the organic dairy we use to make our whey protein is free of the recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH/RBST-free)

Q: is the organic whey protein non-GMO?

A: yes, our organic whey protein is produced without genetic engineering and none of the ingredients are derived from GMOs. additionally, our organic whey is Non-GMO Project Verified, a non-profit organization that verifies that the product is produced according to their rigorous best practices for GMO avoidance.

 no GMO ingredients
 no antibiotics or hormones for animals
 animals eat 100% organic feed and pasture
 no toxic, persistent pesticides
 no synthetic fertilizers or sewage sludge
 protects wildlife and promotes biodiversity
 no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives
 regulated by federal law
 enhances soil fertility

Q. what are the nutritional differences between the 3 organic whey protein varieties

 per serving - 2 scoops
 plain unsweetened
 bourbon vanilla
 dark chocolate
 net carbs


Q. what does PURE mean?

A: our pure line is guaranteed to be free of the recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH/RBST-free) and genetically modified ingredients (non-GMO).

Q: is the pure whey protein hormone free (rBGH/rBST free)?

A: yes, the pure dairy we use to make our whey protein is free of the recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH/RBST-free)

Q: is the pure whey protein non-GMO?

A: yes, our pure whey protein is produced without genetic engineering and none of the ingredients are derived from GMOs.

Q: what is grass-fed, pasture-raised dairy?

A: grass-fed, pasture-raised dairy means the cows are ethically raised outside in the fresh air and sunshine, the way nature intended, grazing freely on nutritious grasses for as long as the grazing season permits. their diet is composed of mostly fresh grass, dried hay, and a ration of grain to supplement their nutrition.

Q: what is the environmental impact of grass-fed, pasture-raised dairy?

A: grass-fed, pasture-raised dairy isn’t only better for the animals it is also better for the environment. the perennial grass growing in pasture helps sequester carbon, prevent erosion, and improve biodiversity. bees, bats, and birds all call pasture home.

Q. what are the nutritional differences between the 3 pure whey protein varieties?

 per serving - 2 scoops
 plain unsweetened
 bourbon vanilla
 dark chocolate
 net carbs


Q: what is the difference between the organic and pure products?

A: both these products are rBGH-free, but not all our hormone-free products are organic. what this means is our rBGH-free line is guaranteed to be free of the bovine growth hormone. our organic line is also hormone free but in addition, follows a regimented set of organic guidelines overseen by an organic certifying agency, QAI. the reason for the two products lines is our products labeled “organic” are sourced from Organic Valley’s co-op of family-owned organic dairy farms. it is more expensive to be 100% organic, so we created “pure”, a non-organic line of products, for consumers looking for a less expensive option. the pure line is still a very clean label, hormone-free, non-GMO, grass-fed, pasture-raised protein powder but does not follow the same QAI organic certifications.


Q: is the goat whey protein organic?

A: no, it is not organic due to the lack of accessibility of organic goat farms in our region.

Q: is the goat whey protein hormone-free?

A: yes, the goat dairy we use to make our whey protein is free of synthetic growth hormones.

Q: are the goats pasture-raised?

A: yes, the goats we source our whey protein from are ethically pasture-raised, spending as much time as weather permits outside in the fresh air and sunshine, grazing on pasture, the way nature intended.

Q: what is the environmental impact of pasture-raised dairy?

A: pasture-raised dairy isn’t only better for the animals it is also better for the environment. the perennial grass growing in pasture helps sequester carbon, prevent erosion, and improve biodiversity. bees, bats, and birds all call pasture home.

Q. what are the benefits of goat whey?

A: goat whey contains protein from goat milk, which has a chemical structure similar to human milk. this structure makes it more tolerable for individuals who may have lactose or dairy sensitivities*, while offering similar nutritional benefits to cow whey protein. *if you have severe dairy sensitivities, please contact your physician before consumption

Q. what is the difference between the 2 goat whey protein varieties

 per serving - 2 scoops
 plain unsweetened
 vanilla honey
 net carbs


Q: what is whey?

A: when milk is processed to form cheese or yogurt, the remaining liquid is called whey. this liquid contains the fast-digesting proteins commonly referred to as whey protein.

Q: how do you process your whey?

A: the milk used to produce our whey is sourced from family-owned dairy farms. per USDA requirements, the whey is pasteurized by the cheese makers and undergoes the cheese making process, which is how we get our liquid whey. all our whey proteins are cold-pressed, non- (or un-) denatured using ultrafiltration to preserve and protect the amino acids while maximizing nutrient bioavailability. this concentrated protein is then sent to a spray dryer to dry and become the whey protein powder that is used in our simply tera’s® products. our process has been designed to provide the least amount of protein degradation.

Q: is your whey cold pressed/non-denatured?

A: yes, our whey is cold-pressed, non-denatured, using ultrafiltration to preserve and protect the amino acids while maximizing nutrient bioavailability.

Q: is the whey protein raw or pasteurized?

A: per FDA requirements, whey protein concentrate must be derived from milk that is pasteurized, however, it is pasteurized at the lowest temperature possible.

Q. is whey a complete protein?

A: yes, whey is considered a high-quality, complete protein, because it contains all nine essential amino acids (EAA) needed by your body. simply tera’s high-quality whey protein exceeds the optimal ratios of EAA and provides higher concentrations of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA). whey is considered particularly beneficial for increasing the production of new protein in your muscles.


Q: is your whey protein a concentrate or an isolate?

A: simply tera’s products are made with whey protein concentrate.

Q: do your products contain casein protein?

A: no, our products are made entirely with whey protein

Q: are all your products gluten-free?

A: yes, all simply tera’s-branded protein powders are gluten-free certified and contain no grain products or derivatives. all our products are tested for gluten by an independent third party, along with internal testing. our products are processed in plants that may handle other products that contain gluten.

Q: are all your products MSG-free?

A: yes.

Q: do any of your products contain soy?

A: no.

Q: are all your products Kosher?

A: yes. our organic and pure products are STAR-D kosher certified and our goat products are D kosher certified.

Q: what is stevia?

A: stevia is naturally extracted from the stevia rebaudiana plant, which grows naturally in Brazil and Paraguay. some types of stevia can leave a bitter after taste. we specifically selected an Organic Stevia Leaf Extract for its delicacy and ability to complement our ingredients. teaspoon for teaspoon, organic stevia is sweeter than granulated sugar. as a result, we can use small amounts of organic stevia leaf extract to naturally sweeten and produce low calorie and low glycemic products.

Q: are all your products sweetened with stevia?

A: no, we have a plain unsweetened variety in each product line (organic, plain, goat) for those looking for proteins without sweetener.

Q: does your whey contain lactose?

A: any kind of whey protein, including simply tera’s®, will retain trace amounts of lactose. in our experience, some people having minor lactose sensitivities do not have the same sensitivities to our products, particularly with the goat whey line. the protein composition in goat milk is different from cow milk so many with lactose sensitivities find goat whey protein easier to digest.


Q: what is the scoop equivalence in tablespoons?

 simply tera's serving size
 enclosed scoop
 household metric
 ½ serving
 1 scoop
 2.5 Tbsp
 1 serving
 2 scoops
 5 Tbsp or 1/3 cup

Q. can I bake with simply tera’s protein powder

A: yes! baking with protein powder does not change the nutritional value of the protein itself and including protein with each of your meals and snacks can reduce hunger and boost metabolism. here are some general tips for baking with protein powder:

  • only use up to ¼ cup protein powder as a replacement for flour – anything more may cause the recipe to become dense and dry.
  • add the protein powder last to the recipe if possible and don’t over stir
  • protein powder can make the recipe stick more to the pan so use a non-stick spray
  • lower your oven temperature by 25 degrees
  • protein powder may slightly alter the cooking time so use a toothpick to check readiness

checkout our whey inspiring recipes for delicious ideas!

Q. can simply tera’s protein powder be used in coffee and other hot beverages?

A: yes! adding simply tera’s protein powder to your coffee or other hot beverages is a delicious, low carb, low sugar way to protein-boost your diet and enhance the flavor of your hot beverages. because the heat may cause the protein to tighten up and curdle, be sure to slowly sprinkle the protein powder into your hot beverage while continually stirring until all the powder is dissolved.

Q: if I am pregnant, can I consume your products?

A: we have not had any conflicts with pregnant women consuming our products. however, we do recommend that you speak with your health care provider prior to taking any supplement during pregnancy.

Q: can I use your protein powder as a meal replacement?

A: because our protein powders are low-calorie, we would not suggest using them as a meal replacement. we recommend incorporating this product into your meal or eating it as a healthful, filling snack. check out our recipe page for delicious ideas!


Q: are there heavy metals in your products?

A: no, we typically do not have any detectable amounts of heavy metals in our products. as a quality control safeguard, we test our products on a quarterly basis with a third-party independent lab.

Q: how do you test your products?

A: we test our products on a quarterly basis with a third-party independent lab, as well as testing our products in-house on a batch-per-batch basis.

Q: does simply tera’s have standards or expectations that the animals on the farms they source from are ethically treated?

A: yes, the dairy cows and goats that we source our milk from are raised according to specific dairy production practices. these animals have access to open pastures, sufficient space, shelter, gentle handling, fresh water and a healthy diet without artificial hormones or antibiotics.


Q: is simply tera’s new plastic package made from recycled materials?

A: yes! our new plastic canister, lid and scoop are all made from 100% Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) HDPE#2 curbside-collected food containers. these recyclables are specially cleaned and melted down into PCR plastic resin pellets, that are then used to manufacture the simply tera’s package. the inner seal and label on our PCR packages are also made from recycled materials.

Q: is your new plastic package recyclable?

A: yes! our new plastic package is 100% recyclable so when you’ve finished all the protein powder, simply toss the entire package (canister, lid, scoop, inner seal, label) into recycling.

Q: is your paperboard package made from recycled materials?

A: the paperboard canister is made from recycled materials however the plastic lid, scoop and metal bottom are not. therefore, we have switched to our new plastic package (see above for package information).

Q: is your paperboard package recyclable?

A: the paperboard canister and label are recyclable however the plastic lid, scoop and metal bottom are not recyclable. therefore, we have switched to our new plastic package (see above for package information).


Q: are your products available outside of the United States?

A: no, currently we only distribute and ship products throughout the United States, including Hawaii.

Q: if you don’t ship internationally, how can I purchase your products?

A: you can purchase our products through some of our online retailers: yes! the following online retailers carry simply tera’s Amazon iHerb Lucky Vitamin Pharmaca Thrive Market Vitacost or find a retailer near you in our store locator